Instructions For Open Elective Allocation Portal

This is portal is for the centralized allocation of Open Electives. Using this portal you can submit your preferences and depending upon your CGPA and preferences, a subject will be allocated to you.

Note: For better experience open the portal on your laptop/PC.
You can access this page anytime using the help button in right bottom corner of the portal

Steps to Sign Up and Login

  1. Sign Up : Click here to Sign up
  2. Submit your PRN and validate your details.

a. If you enter the wrong PRN by mistake just refresh the page to reset it.
b. If you get pop up saying you are not in our database or your details are not matching then please contact the concerned faculty

  1. If your details are correct then check the box to confirm.
  2. Enter your official mail id and set a password with at least 6 characters
  3. You will receive a verification mail from Open Elective Allocation Portal Click the link mentioned in the mail to verify your email address.
  4. After verification you can log in here : Click here to login
  5. You will be redirected to a certain web page depending on the timeline. To fill out the preferences please log in at the instructed time.

Steps to register your preferences

  1. If you login in the given time frame you will be presented with the following web pageenter image description here
  2. Read all the given instructions on this page carefully.
  3. Select your preferences from the drop-down until there is no course left.
  4. You will see all the preferences in the table, preference no 1 being the highest priority
  5. After giving preference to every course from the dropdown, the submit button will be enabled.
  6. Check your preference before submitting. You can reset the preferences using reset all if you are not satisfied.
  7. After submitting you will receive a mail with all your preferences.(Currently not working, so don't worry if you don't receive a mail)
  8. You can reset and submit as many times as you want until the deadline. (Only your last submission will be considered valid)

Do note that your time of submission will be recorded and in case of a tie (Students having the same CGPA ) the student who submitted earlier will be considered.


  1. Result will be declared in the given time frame.
  2. You will receive mail with your allocated course and your preferences.(Currently not working, so don't worry if you don't receive a mail)
  3. You can also check your result here : Click here
    enter image description here

If you have any problem regarding the portal click here to mail us.


Niranjan Girhe | Pratik Kale

Under the guidance of
Mrs. Ranjana Badre
Dean (SCET)